Monday, September 6, 2010

Really Tired

I am not sure why, but here lately I have been really tired. It is funny that on the days I can only get 4-6 hours of sleep I do the best but if I get any more than 6 hours of sleep I am so tired during the day...

I had a nice long week end "off". Th preschool was closed today and I got to spend some one on one time with the girls and also organized some stuff. Caroline got her first sewing machine. It is a cute small one from Hobby Lobby, it only cost $25. She is really excited about it but after using it i realize it is not good, or even worth the $25 we spent. The stitches do not stay in... I didn't say anything to her though, she is too happy. She just sat there for over an hour stitching fabric together. I am so proud of her! She is only 6 and wants so bad to learn all of the things of being a homemaker. She loves cooking, sewing, scrap booking... All of it. We have been working out of the Keepers of the Home book. I think that is what it is called.

Please keep my husband in your prayers. They are having some long days and nights and not getting much sleep. I miss him so much!

Many blessings to you all!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy weeks...

The first two weeks of first grade have been great. My daughter has enjoyed learning new things. So far we spent two weeks learning about bunnies (her choice), and going over stuff from last year. I also run a part day preschool so that has been underway. I really enjoy teaching my kids and working with them. I don't see how some parents are so ready to shove their kids out of the door. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I so tired, the kids have been fighting, and I am ready to throw in the towel. But I just pray, put the kids to bed, pray again, and get up and do it again the next day. There are so many things I am so glad to bed there for, to teach them; like when Caroline learns how to read a new word or when she learns something new that she has been trying to understand.

Well, now the not so good news... My husbands' job has changed... He was workign in the office, which I ahve been VERY thankful for. Now he has been moved to do his actual job he is trained for which takes him out of the office and outside working. I know it is selfish of me to want him inside the whole time, but I feel like he is safer when he works in the office. They are in some remote location, not on a main camp in Afghanistan. I am so worried about him. This is his forth deployment but by far the one with the most danger. I have NOT been watching any TV. We don't have cable, and out only TV is an old one and we do not have a converter box for it. This is on purpose. We did have two really nice new TV's but got rid of them to make better use of our time. Anyhow, please pray for my husband and his unit. Please pray for their safety.