Sunday, August 15, 2010

Really GREAT movie!

I just finished watching a really great but sad movie.. It is called "Letters To God", and it is a true story... I don't want to give away what happens but it is a GREAT movie in my book!!! There are so many heart felt emotions in this movie and I can relate to many of the characters and many of the emotional situations! It really makes you stop and re-think everything bad that has happened in your life. It made me re-think the death of my son, the death of my mother, and many other trails that I have gone through. Holding my son as he died, holding my moms hand as she died have forever changed me and helped me to grow in ways that only God could have had plans for.

There are times in this life that we all face trails and some of those trails we look at and feel that there is NO WAY on earth we could ever survive. I know I have faced those trails in my life over and over again.... And guess what??!! I have survived and grown stronger each time. Each time I have learned many life lessons, but most of all I have learned to value life and time spent together with those you love.

No one ever thinks the bad stuff will happen to them. I never thought I could have a bad pregnancy, I NEVER thought I would ever have to bury my own child. ~things like that could never happen to me, I have already faced many other hardships~ at least that was my thinking.... You never know when you might have your last moments with someone. Sometimes we are lucky (yes, I say lucky but the true word is BLESSED) and we know when something bad will happen... We know when someone will pass. Some of us are given time to prepare, to say good bye. Does that make it easier to lose them? No, but it does give us something. We can at least tell them we love them and say goodbye. Most of the time though it happens suddenly, a car crash, heart attack.......

ALWAYS tell the people you love that you love them EVERYDAY. Never let a day go by without hugging your kids, your spouse, your mom, dad....

1 comment:

  1. So nice to "meet" you Army Wife. I am so blessed to hear you say that God has drawn you to focus more on Him during this difficult time. I just watched Letters to God recently too. I really liked it. I agree don't waste a chance to show love to your family and others around us. Life can be hard, but God is always good! He has helped me through much similar sufferings, and we can come out on the other side bitter...or BETTER for it!
